
Take A Look At 50 Corporations’ Amazing First & Present Logos

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May 31 2016
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Business needs branding and as a product or service becomes famous, a corporation requires a meaningful logo to represent the company’s identity. However, business changes with time hence the needs to change its logo. Naturally, logos would evolve in order to reflect such changes and we would sometimes laugh at a corporation’s past logos.

BMW - Logo Evolution

Even if the business hasn’t changed, some corporations would still change their logo, probably to give a breath of fresh air. A logo which has existed for too long is too boring. And customers want something new, even though the change is in the form of a new logo. Here’re some of 50 famous corporations – their first logo and their present logo.


Some of these corporations have seen their logos gone through a “huge evolution”, so much so that their first logo could be a jaw-dropping design. Take a look at Nokia’s first logo, for example. Who would have imagined Canon’s first logo resembles a religion figure? And if you look at Apple’s first logo, there’s little doubt Steve Jobs was inspired by Newton.


{ 1 } Adidas

Adidas - First and Present Logo


{ 2 } Adobe

Adobe - First and Present Logo


{ 3 } Allianz

Allianz - First and Present Logo


{ 4 } Amazon

Amazon - First and Present Logo


{ 5 } Apple

Apple - First and Present Logo


{ 6 } AT&T

AT&T - First and Present Logo


{ 7 } Audi

Audi - First and Present Logo


{ 8 } BMW

BMW - First and Present Logo


{ 9 } British Airways

British Airways - First and Present Logo


{ 10 } Burger King

Burger King - First and Present Logo


{ 11 } Canon

Canon - First and Present Logo


{ 12 } Coca Cola

Coca Cola - First and Present Logo


{ 13 } Dell

Dell - First and Present Logo


{ 14 } Discovery Channel

Discovery Channel - First and Present Logo


{ 15 } Eskimo

Eskimo - First and Present Logo


{ 16 } Fedex (Federal Express)

Federal Express Fedex - First and Present Logo


{ 17 } Ford

Ford - First and Present Logo


{ 18 } General Electric

General Electric - First and Present Logo


{ 19 } Google

Google - First and Present Logo


{ 20 } Heineken

Heineken - First and Present Logo


{ 21 } IBM

IBM - First and Present Logo


{ 22 } IKEA

IKEA - First and Present Logo


{ 23 } Kentucky Fried Chicken

Kentucky Fried Chicken - First and Present Logo


{ 24 } Kodak

Kodak - First and Present Logo


{ 25 } Lay’s

Lay's - First and Present Logo


{ 26 } LEGO

LEGO - First and Present Logo


{ 27 } Mazda

Mazda - First and Present Logo


{ 28 } McDonald’s

McDonald's - First and Present Logo


{ 29 } Mercedes Benz

Mercedes Benz - First and Present Logo


{ 30 } Microsoft

Microsoft - First and Present Logo


{ 31 } Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox - First and Present Logo


{ 32 } MITV

MTV - First and Present Logo


{ 33 } Nestle

Nestle - First and Present Logo


{ 34 } Nintendo

Nintendo - First and Present Logo


{ 35 } Nissan

Nissan - First and Present Logo


{ 36 } Nokia

Nokia - First and Present Logo


{ 37 } Pampers

Pampers - First and Present Logo


{ 38 } Pepsi

Pepsi - First and Present Logo


{ 39 } Playboy

Playboy - First and Present Logo


{ 40 } Procter & Gamble

Procter and Gamble - First and Present Logo


{ 41 } RCA

RCA - First and Present Logo


{ 42 } Samsung

Samsung - First and Present Logo


{ 43 } Shell

Shell - First and Present Logo


{ 44 } Starbucks

Starbucks - First and Present Logo


{ 45 } Twitter

Twitter - First and Present Logo


{ 46 } VISA

VISA - First and Present Logo


{ 47 } Volkswagen

Volkswagen - First and Present Logo


{ 48 } Walmart

Walmart - First and Present Logo


{ 49 } Walt Disney

Walt Disney - First and Present Logo


{ 50 } Xerox

Xerox - First and Present Logo


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