
Live By The Sword, Die By The Sword – Anwar Madly Angry After BFF Hamas Terrorist Leader Haniyeh Assassinated

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Jul 31 2024
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Mr Anwar Ibrahim had been deadly silent despite days of controversy over Tiger Beer’s fundraiser concert for Chinese vernacular schools – till today. It would take the assassination of his best friend – Hamas terrorist leader Ismail Haniyeh – for the Malaysian Prime Minister to scream his lungs out, demanding justice for his dear friend, who is actually worth more than US$4 billion, thanks to corruption.


He must be a great leader – leaving fellow minority ethnic Chinese bullied and denied funding for education, but ferociously condemns an assassination of a terrorist leader about 6,000 kilometres away. It’s not an exaggeration to suggest that Anwar behaves more like a Hamas Prime Minister than a Malaysian Prime Minister, even though neither Hamas nor Palestinians vote for him.


A few months ago (April 2024), we already warned (read here) that billionaire Haniyeh should be grateful that Mossad has not sent operatives to assassinate him in Qatar, where he lived luxuriously and made his fortune, thanks to 20% tax charged on all items entering through tunnels from Egypt to the Gaza Strip. But just because he was still alive 3 months ago, doesn’t mean he can survive today.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh - Assassination

In reality, 61-year-old Haniyeh, who has 13 sons and daughters, did not show much sadness upon hearing the news that his sons and grandkids had been blown to oblivion in April. He knew the consequences of going to war with the Jewish people. After all, his dead sons – Hazem, Amir and Muhammad – were all Hamas military operatives. In fact, Amir was a cell commander.


Haniyeh told Al-Jazeera – “I am grateful to God for the honour he has given me in the deaths of three of my children and a few of my grandchildren”. He claimed around 60 members of his family have been killed since the start of the Israel-Hamas war. So, why was Anwar mad and furious when his best friend was incredibly grateful that his family members were honoured with martyrdom, and received 72 virgins?


The Hamas political bureau chairman should blame his idiotic children for travelling in a single vehicle, making them an easy target. Now, he has no one to blame but himself, paying the price for working with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in the October 7 terror attacks on Israeli soil. He should understand that those who live by the sword, die by the sword.

Private Jet for Ismail Haniyeh and Senior Hamas Leaders

In case PM Anwar hadn’t a clue, the proverb means a person who lives violently will at some point be killed in the similar violent manner. In short, you play a stupid game, you win a stupid prize. And the stupid prize which Haniyeh won on Wednesday (July 31, 2024) was his own death for stupidly invaded Israel. Perhaps Anwar should celebrate that his best friend is honoured with martyrdom, and awarded 72 virgins.


It’s worth noting that after Hamas massacred 1,200 Jews party goers on October 7, including raping and kidnapping, Palestinians celebrated the brutality as if they had won the FIFA World Cup, only to cry and whine when Israel retaliates with relentless air strikes. When the death toll climbs and exceeded the number of Jews butchered by Hamas due to Israelis military superiority, suddenly there was a cry of genocide.


We can debate till the cow comes home over who started the war which killed thousands of innocent people on both sides of the conflict in the Middle East. But the fact remains that Haniyeh would still live happily and luxuriously today had Hamas not launched the attack in October 7. But the terrorists, which Anwar labels as “freedom fighters”, could not resist the temptation of catching a worm and put it inside its own a**hole.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim - US Sanction

Yeah, right – Israel must be trembling in fear because Anwar Ibrahim has expressed his utmost anger over his buddy’s assassination, which the premier called a “murder of the most heinous kind”. He should be grateful that Haniyeh did not suffer like Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was butchered and his body dismembered under the order of Saudi Crown Prince, whom Anwar hugged.


Does Anwar, and all Hamas supporters for that matter, really think that Haniyeh could escape repercussion after what the terrorist organization had done to the Jewish state? Not only Israel continues to bomb the entire Gaza into oblivion, but has also shown its capability in fighting multiple fronts – Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iranian-backed forces in Syria, Houthis in Yemen and even to a certain extent – Iran.


That is an incredible powerful military force, something that Malaysia, a country which was struggling in 2013 to fight back against an invasion of Sabah by a group of 235 so-called “malnourished” and ill-equipped Sulu militants in sarongs and slippers, does not understand. Heck, Israel does not even care about President Joe Biden’s warning and begging for a ceasefire.

Israel Soldiers

Previously (read here), we had said this and we will say it again – Hamas will learn that the Jews can be as ruthless as the Nazis. Crucially, the assassination of Haniyeh, presumably it was carried out directly by Mossad, was to send a “huge message” to the Iranian regime – if the Hamas leader can be terminated at his residence in Iran, nowhere is safe in the planet for Israel enemies.


Yes, despite Israel’s silence, the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Iran after attending the inauguration of the country’s new president was deliberately designed to tell all the enemies that Israeli targets not only military commanders, but also political leaders. So, it doesn’t matter whether Anwar justifies his friendship with Hamas political wing or military wing – they are all the same to Tel Aviv.


Interestingly, the assassination came 10 days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that Israel’s “long arm” will reach its enemies anywhere, referring to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) first-ever direct large-scale air raid against Yemen – a “precise and successful operation” over 1,700 kilometers away which triggered a massive fire at the port city of Hodeidah’s oil terminal.

Israel Mossad - Assassination

But it was not the first chilling warning. As early as December 2013, Netanyahu publicly made known of his order for Israel’s top spy agencies to hunt down Hamas leaders around the globe in revenge of the October 7 massacres. He said – “I have instructed the Mossad to act against the heads of Hamas wherever they are”. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, meanwhile, said Hamas leaders are living on “borrowed time.”


Therefore, it’s naive to think Haniyeh was untouchable and protected just because he was living in Qatar. The only reason he was living on borrowed time was because Mossad had allowed him to and wanted the fireworks to be unleashed in Tehran to both send a message and humiliate Iran. The Israel-version of CIA is extremely experienced in assassination jobs.


Israeli assassins have killed Palestinian militants in Beirut while dressed as women, and assassinated a Hamas leader in Dubai while disguised as tourists. It has used a car bomb to assassinate a Hezbollah leader in Syria and a remote-controlled rifle to kill the head of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Between 2010 and 2012 alone, four Iranian nuclear scientists were assassinated.

Iran Top General Qassem Soleimani - Killed By US President Donald Trump

In fact, Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian major general and the commander of the Quds Force, was killed by a U.S. drone strike on January 3, 2020 near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq with the help of Mossad. Even in Malaysia, Mossad had gunned down Palestinian activist, Fadi al-Batsh, in 2018 and recruited Malay-Muslim mercenaries in a covert operation to abduct a Palestinian man in 2022.


Since World War II, Israel has conducted more than 2,700 assassinations, according to the book “Rise and Kill First”. Even before Israel was founded in 1948, Jewish assassins killed European diplomats who were involved in the British administration of Mandatory Palestine. In the 1960s, Israeli spies used letter bombs to target former Nazi Germany scientists who helped Egypt develop rockets. 


Iran too paid the price for its proxy war in the Middle East on April 1, 2024, when a missile strike launched by Israel destroyed a diplomatic building in the compound of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, killing at least 11 people. Crucially, it killed General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the top commander of the elite Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IGRC).

Iran General Mohammad Reza Zahedi Assassinated

His deputy commander – Gen Haji Rahimi – along with Brig Gen Hossein Amirollah, the chief of general staff of the Quds force in Syria and Lebanon, was also killed. Arguably, it was the most significant assassination since Qasem Soleimani. It was a declaration of war on Tehran. However, Israeli officials said the building was an outpost of the Revolutionary Guards, making it a legitimate military target.


The attack on Iran Embassy should have alarmed both Tehran and Haniyeh that Israel appeared to have had high-quality intelligence that the Iranian senior leaders were all “sitting ducks” in the consulate before pulling the trigger. The precision attack which did not harm the embassy itself speaks volumes about the weaponry technology Israel possessed.


Ismail Haniyeh can run to Tehran, but clearly he can’t hide. He might still be alive had he stayed in Qatar because the country is an ally of the United States. Besides being one of the best-equipped armies in the world, Israel is a nuclear power beast. More importantly, when Israel promised to hunt you down, it isn’t bluffing. And the reason why Haniyeh is terminated is because Israel wants to prolong the war and drags the U.S. into it.

Israel Drone

Mr Anwar conveniently ignores the fact that his favourite team – Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups – abducted 253 people from Israel to the Gaza Strip, including children, women, and elderly people. The war could end tomorrow if Hamas releases the remaining 130 hostages. His best friend might still be alive today had Anwar advised him to end the war and enjoy his ill-gotten fortune.


Which part of “every Hamas member is a dead man” that Anwar and Haniyeh don’t understand.Israel had given enough warnings before killing Haniyeh. Like it or not, no other nation has Israel’s experience in carrying out worldwide assassination campaigns. Haniyeh isn’t the first and won’t be the last. When 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics were abducted and killed, Israeli assassins spent 20 years hunting those linked to the Munich attack. 


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