
Self-proclaimed “Father Of Nation” Anwar Attacks Critics As Stupid – But Anthony Loke Rejects Najib’s Apology

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Oct 28 2024
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Look no further than Mr Anwar Ibrahim if you want to find a fine example of “Arrogance of Power”. It took him just 23 months – less than 2 years – in power to reveal his true colour. He thought he is “The People’s Champion” like boxer Muhammad Ali or wrestler The Rock. Worse, he thought he is The Prophet or Michael Jackson – admired and worshipped by everyone around the globe.


As the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia continues to court criticism and ridicule over his acceptance of crooked Najib’s dubious apology in relation to the infamous 1MDB scandal, PM Anwar has attacked his critics. The narcissist man, clearly unable to stomach criticism, has arrogantly and childishly labelled those who disagreed with him as “bebal” (nitwit or stupid).


Yes, the stupid man who did not realize he had been conned and scammed by the world’s biggest crook is calling critics stupid, despite the fact that even his own party – PKR Youth – has openly said public interest and justice for the Malaysian people cannot be compromised. That’s a polite way of telling PKR president Anwar Ibrahim to stop proving that he is the stupidest leader of all time.

Najib Razak in Prison - Seeking House Arrest

Nobody in PKR, let alone the world leaders, believes ex-PM Najib Razak was innocent of stealing billions of dollars. The U.S.-DOJ investigation results say that over US$4.5 billion was misappropriated from the 1MDB fund, with some of the money used to buy the private jet, a super yacht, Picasso paintings, jewellery and real estate. Essentially, only someone who is incredibly “bebal” believes Najib was innocent.


Actually, Anwar could still twist and spin with an argument that just because he decides to accept Najib’s apology in the name of Malay culture, it does not mean the law and people also accept it. But no, the retarded moron must show his idiocy and stupidity by double down on his defiance in defending the crook. Hilariously, he praised his own response as “good leadership”.


Does that mean “Great Leader Anwar” will stop investigating past corrupt leaders Mahathir Mohamad and Muhyiddin Yassin, as well as former finance minister Daim Zainuddin if they too tender a half-baked apology like Najib? It screams double-standard and hypocrisy of the highest standard if Anwar speedily accepts Najib’s apology and accords him a “bungalow arrest”, but not Mahathir, Muhyiddin or Daim.

Anwar Ibrahim - 1-Term Prime Minister

But that was not the best part. The best part was Anwar’s retarded justification in accepting Najib’s apology, which every Tom, Dick and hamster knows is the first step towards freeing the prisoner so that he can enjoy his remaining jail sentence in the comfort of his luxurious home. Drunk with power, Anwar said – “I am the prime minister. I am the father of the nation. When someone apologizes, I accept it in good faith”.


That’s a marvellous and a touching slogan. So, can all the criminals start apologizing and queuing up for their numbers to be given the privilege of a house arrest just like Najib? But who gives Anwar the right to appoint himself the “Father of the Nation”. Has he no shame in self-proclaiming as the “Father of all Fathers” just like how Rosmah had previously proclaimed herself FLOM (First Lady of Malaysia)?


Anwar has invited more ridicule and mockery by upgrading himself higher than “Father of Independence” Tunku Abdul Rahman, “Father of Development” Abdul Razak, “Father of Unity” Hussein Onn, “Father of Modernization” Mahathir Mohamad, “Father of Human Capital” Abdullah Badawi, “Father of Kleptocracy” Najib Razak, “Father of Treachery” Muhyiddin Yassin and “Father of Lame Duck” Ismail Sabri.

Najib Razak - Sad Shocked

Worse, power appears to have clouded Anwar‘s judgement when he agreed with Najib’s laughable claim that it’s unfair to single out just one individual in the 1MDB scandal. Desperado Anwar conveniently forgot that as the former most powerful man in the country, Najib, who was also the finance minister, was fully aware and responsible for every single decision to siphon money from 1MDB.


Can the genius Anwar Ibrahim explain on behalf of Najib why the despicable thief and his wife Rosmah Mansor had spent the money anyway for shopping in Italy, despite claims that he didn’t know the source of the ill-gotten money? The US-DOJ investigation found that Rosmah had purchased a 22-carat pink diamond necklace using money siphoned from 1MDB. In fact, the US$27 million diamond was purchased in 2013.


Likewise, can Anwar explain why Najib had fired former A.G. Gani Patail for investigating his 1MDB scandal, before appointing the “friendly” Apandi Ali as a replacement in 2015? The ex-PM had also initially wanted to sue The Wall Street Journal for exposing the scandal, before chickening out. Can Anwar also explain why Najib’s deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, was sacked for openly expressing his concern about 1MDB?

1MDB - Jho Low and Najib Razak

Crucially, is Anwar trying to interfere and overrule the judicial judgement, which labelled Najib Razak a “national embarrassment” when upholding his corruption conviction? With an undisputed guilty verdict from all 3 courts and 8 senior judges (High Court – 1, Court of Appeal – 3, Federal Court – 4), Anwar is “national embarrassment” himself for defending and trying to free the national crook. 


Even if Mr Anwar is the Father of the Nation, which he isn’t for obvious reason, Najib’s apology was not only insincere because he still refused to accept full blame, but also an insult to the public’s intelligence for insisting the RM2.6 billion stolen was a donation from Saudi royal family. Najib actually did not seek forgiveness from Anwar, so why is the prime minister so eager to become his mouthpiece?


If he still thinks he possessed good leadership despite defending a national crook and attacking critics who think otherwise, then Anwar is also both a psychopath and a dictator who has the tendency to steal like Najib in the future. In fact, he is so retarded that he can’t even understand the doctrine of the separation of powers – the basic principle of democracy.

Dining With A Convicted Crook - Najib Razak and Agong King Sultan Abdullah

The Pardons Board is not a toy for the Agong (King), otherwise the monarch will have absolute power and does not need the board to begin with. The power-hungry Anwar deliberately push the responsibility to the Malay Ruler to hide his complicit in a secret deal to pardon and free Najib (and most likely Rosmah too) in exchange for Najib’s support to ensure Anwar survives his 5-year term.


He certainly does not qualify as the CEO of the Executive branch if he does not respect the Constitution, which does not have the provision for a house arrest, but he decides to bulldoze it anyway under the pretext that the King wants the new law to help Najib to be jailed from home sweet home. If he does not have the balls to confront illegal royal request, at least don’t suck up to it.


On the contrary, Democratic Action Party (DAP), the largest party in Anwar-led Pakatan Harapan coalition with 40 MPs, has rejected Najib’s apology. When interviewed, Malaysian Transport Minister Anthony Loke, who is also secretary-general of DAP, said – “It’s not a question of whether accepting any apologies. With or without any apologies, a crime is a crime.”

DAP Anthony Loke Siew Fook

When asked by a journalist if DAP can accept Najib to be put under house arrest, Anthony replied – “There is no such provision under the law for any house arrest. So the discussion about the house arrest law being formulated is about prison reform. It’s not about Najib. There is a certain threshold that certain crime cannot be put into house arrest. A serious crime is not permitted under house arrest.”


So, the burning question is why the PM can’t reply the same way that Anthony did? The reason is obvious. From the beginning, Anwar is plotting to introduce a loophole in the proposed house arrest law to free Najib. If Anwar considers himself a good leader for forgiving a man who had plunged the country into RM43.8 billion in debt, with RM9.7 billion to go, then Anthony is The Prophet.


Still, it remains to be seen if DAP would make a U-turn and vote a half-baked bill that could see Najib walks out of the Kajang Prison. It is also unclear whether Anthony Loke would strongly reject or succumb to pressure in the Cabinet meeting when his boss insists on a vaguely drafted house arrest law specifically designed to facilitate Najib’s bungalow arrest.

More importantly, will DAP have the balls to pull out of the unity government if Anwar, whose mission is to free Najib, impose new taxes and cut subsidies, threatens his ally with consequences for not toeing the line. Anwar isn’t the father of the nation. He has been voted by the people to do his freaking job – fixing the economy, education, corruption, and not freeing a crook from prison.


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