
Worse Than Muhyiddin & Sabri – PM Anwar To Design Luxurious “House Arrest” For Prisoner Najib (And Maybe For Himself)

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Oct 20 2024
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For the first time in the history of Malaysia since Independence, a prime minister has expressed his concern about the welfare for a crook while presenting an annual budget. Najib Razak, the world’s biggest crook by U.S. standard, must be ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing) watching the Budget 2025 in his Kajang Prison, where he is already enjoying special treatment.


After months of rumours, it’s now official that the disgraceful PM Anwar Ibrahim, during the tabling of Budget 2025 on Friday (Oct 18), has announced the government’s plan to introduce a new law for elite criminals like Najib to serve imprisonment in the comfort of home instead of prison. Designed specially for Najib, the crook can look forward to a “luxury home arrest” soon.


Yes, if you think working from home is a privilege for certain workers, wait till you see how the former prime minister serves his remaining jail sentence from home. But you can’t blame Najib in this case. It was the weak, unprincipled and treacherous Anwar, in his desperation and greed to cling to power, that has crossed all the red lines in his fake crusade to fight corruption.

Najib Under House Arrest Playing With Cats - Anwar Ibrahim

Just when you thought the 10th Prime Minister would not do any more shameful, hypocritical and double-standard things, he continues to spring surprises. On one hand, he keeps reminding government servants not to be corrupt. On the other hand, his Pardon Board silently and happily gave a 50% discount to Najib, reducing his 12-year jail sentence to just six.


On one hand, the PM whined, moaned and bitched till foaming at the mouth in challenging former leaders who amassed wealth by stealing from the nation’s coffers to return the money. Yet, on the other hand, he granted not only DNAA to UMNO president Zahid Hamidi, but also gave up to 75% discount on Najib’s RM210 million fine for corruption, reducing it to just RM50 million.


On one hand, Anwar lectures the people not to tolerate corruption and power abuse. On the other hand, however, he is abusing his power to encourage corruption with a brilliant idea of a new law with provision for certain crooks to walk out of jail with a “house arrest” reward. It’s so obvious that he is practising double-standard – targeting Mahathir and Daim, but protecting Zahid and Najib.

Ong Ing Keong - Deaf Grab Driver Assaulted By Johor Royal Bodyguard

Heck, he selectively cares about Najib, but not a disabled Grab driver, Ong Ing Keong, who was waiting for his passengers outside the St Regis hotel when he was violently assaulted by bodyguards of Johor regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim. While PM Anwar appears to be incredibly concerned about the welfare of Najib due to his social status, Ong’s welfare is ignored because he’s just a Grab driver.


To rub salt into the wound, Anwar government has suddenly announced the appointment of Nooryana Najwa Najib, daughter of disgraced Najib Razak, as a director of the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade). Congratulations to PM Anwar for promoting not only corruption, but also cronyism. The best part is Nooryana owed RM10.3 million in unpaid income taxes.


The premier should stop trumpeting about anti-corruption because the more he screams, the more people laugh at the moron who repeatedly cries wolf. Crucially, the latest stunt to draft a new law allowing house arrest for certain offences applicable for certain group of elites actually projects the weak government of Madanistan and corruption is not only welcomed, but also accepted as part of the system.

Muhyiddin Yassin and Ismail Sabri

Even when the previous backdoor regimes of Muhyiddin Yassin and Ismail Sabri were so weak with only 114 MPs in the 222-seat Parliament, both leaders were strong enough not to entertain the idea of freeing Najib, let alone cooking up a recipe called “house arrest” to appease the crook or rewarding Najib’s useless daughter with any directorship in the government agency.


But Anwar-led Unity Government, bragging with supermajority support (148 MPs against Opposition Perikatan Nasional’s 74), behaves worse than Muhyiddin and Sabri combined. It creates an impression that Anwar-led Pakatan Harapan coalition (82 MPs) is a weak puppet, a lapdog subservient to governing partner Barisan Nasional, who despite having only 30 MPs is calling the shot.


During Muhyiddin regime, Najib as well as through his intermediaries had demanded the backdoor prime minister to drop all his corruption cases, but was rejected. Likewise, “turtle egg” Sabri backdoor government was pressured to appoint Najib as special economic adviser, but that never materialized. Spineless Anwar, meanwhile, approves all of Barisan’s demands without a squeak of objection.  

PM Anwar Ibrahim - Speechless

Indeed, Anwar Ibrahim is the best leader money can buy. He courageously cuts all types of subsidies – from diesel to electricity tariffs, and from upcoming RON95 petrol to education – under the pretext of helping the poor and punishing the rich. Yet, he did not blink twice about slashing RM210 million fines to help billionaire Najib Razak, who together with partner-in-crime Jho Low had stolen billions from taxpayers.


High-income earners earned their money legally and through hard work, not to mention they pay higher taxes. In comparison, a crook called Najib and his son Nazifuddin owed LHDN (Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri or Inland Revenue Board) a whopping RM1.69 billion and RM37.6 million respectively. However, not only Anwar eagerly wants to punish the high-income groups, but also throwing more rewards to the crooks who evaded taxes.


Malaysian law currently does not include house arrest as a form of punishment. Mr Anwar could use that as an excuse to keep Najib locked up in prison. But no, he must find a way to ensure his buddy can go back to his luxury bungalow playing with cats and able to order Starbucks Caramel Macchiato. More importantly, the effort to bulldoze a house arrest law means interference and an insult to the Judiciary system.

Dining With A Convicted Crook - Najib Razak and Agong King Sultan Abdullah

Drafting a house arrest law now is a slap in the face of Anwar government, who has denied the existence of a so-called “supplementary order” from the previous King Sultan Abdullah allowing convicted Najib Razak to serve the remainder of his jail term under house arrest. The High Court had on July 3 dismissed Najib’s bid to compel the government and the Pardons Board to produce the purported “supplementary order”.


Essentially, it means not only the “supplementary order” did exist in the first place, but the government was trying to cover-up an illegal order from the monarch. Worse, Anwar’s Pardon Board did not even lift a finger to object such outrageous order. Exactly why does the prime minister have to shoot his own foot now? The answer is obvious.


Anwar is equally power-hungry, and would do anything to cling to power, including freeing a big time crook to serve prison time under house arrest. Worse, he had most likely made a deal with Barisan Nasional before the formation of the current Unity Government. And the deal was to free both Zahid Hamidi and Najib Razak in exchange for supporting Anwar as the 10th Prime Minister.

Anwar Ibrahim and Najib Razak - Teh Tarik

At best, the PM probably can’t drag his feet anymore with threats from Najib faction to withdraw support. That explains why the government threw a candy, appointing the crook’s daughter as Matrade director, to make Najib happy. At worst, Anwar finally shows his true colour – a champion of corruption and cronyism disguised as a corruption buster.


Like it or not, it does not look good on Pakatan Harapan at the next 16th General Election. If Anwar is so weak and pathetic that he could be easily held hostage, the corrupt Barisan Nasional leaders will continue to blackmail him for any concessions they like, including closing both eyes in future corruption scandals involving Barisan leaders and warlords.


You can bet your last penny that Najib’s crooked wife – Rosmah Mansor – will definitely succeed in her appeal to quash her 10-year jail sentence and RM970 million fine for corruption involving the RM1.25 billion. But the burning question is whether the Democratic Action Party (DAP) – supposedly biggest hero in anti-corruption – which is being led by Anthony Loke also agrees to let “Najib free under house arrest”.

Anwar Ibrahim and Najib Razak - Zahid Hamidi and Rosmah Mansor

Perhaps Anwar Ibrahim saw the benefits of a house arrest provision that we don’t. If he were to be convicted of corruption or sodomy, he too can enjoy house arrest in the future. After all, this is a new privilege designed specially only for political elites like him. From the King to the crooked former prime minister, they are just a bunch of birds of a feather flock together.


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