

Mahathir-Najib Cabinet, Losers but Cronies are Welcome

The much-awaited new cabinet (no, it’s not kitchen cabinet) list is out and everybody is talking about it or rather digesting the difference compared with the previous one. In the process the Altantuya murder case which came to an end after the death sentence was delivered for both killers, never mind they have no freaking […]

... written on Apr 10 2009

Mahathir’s Racist Agenda – Dynasty’s Survival Series

Mahathirism is set to come back and it will be back with vengeance. The old former dictator has enough of the so-called retirement. There’s much work to be done to ensure his dynasty continues to prosper and take over the throne after Najib Razak completed his premiership as to the R.A.H.M.A.N political prophecy. For the […]

... written on Mar 22 2009

Still steamy hot with fuel hike? Why not kick Badawi’s arse?

Don’t you hate Monday? It’s not end of the month so there’s no reason to celebrate. If you didn’t manage to squeeze some drops into your tank last week, chances are you already felt the pain of pouring extra 40 percent for the fuel by now. But seriously do you think this time around people […]

... written on Jun 08 2008

Al Capone of Broadcom, he did it in the wrong country

There was a saying that two Malaysian could not outsmart one Singaporean; four Singaporean could not outsmart one Hongkies (Hong Kong) and four Hongkies could not outsmart one Chinese (China). I’m not sure about Chinese against American or Jewish though and please, there’s no racial element in the statement. Take it as a joke if […]

... written on Jun 06 2008

Could the country pushed to the brink of Recession?

As expected when I and my buddies step into the kopitiam for our routine of breakfast this morning, everyone was talking (or rather yelling) about the fuel hike tsunami. I believe this was the second time within this year that the crowds were so energetic debating the 40.62 percent or 78 sen per liter hike? […]

... written on Jun 05 2008

Fuel hike from RM1.92 to RM2.70, Char-Kuey-Teow RM7.50?

Breaking News: In-line with the government previous practices in announcing fuel-price hike last minute, it appears Abdullah Badawi government has did it again. Effective midnight tonight, 4th June 2008, the price of petrol would be increased by a whopping 78 sen and diesel by RM1.00. This means you’ve to pay 40.62% more for petrol from […]

... written on Jun 04 2008

MPs grill Maybank CEO – let the worms come wriggling

Even if Maybank or some other hidden hands in this matter would eventually pull it through, the real reasons for paying exorbitant price for Indonesian PT Bank Internasional Indonesia (JAK: BNII) should be revealed to the public especially the stock investors. At least investors who are thinking of going into the river of Maybank be […]

... written on May 30 2008

Greed & Corruption turn the country into Gangster-State?

You cannot help but get very suspicious of the whole Grand Saga-Bandar Mahkota Cheras crisis. After the recent police brutality I thought it won’t happen again, well at least not so soon, but how wrong I was. It was just like those Bollywood movie whereby the tyranny of the rich crossed all the boundaries, the […]

... written on May 28 2008

Tiger at Home but Useless and Hopeless against Outsiders

Actually the article I wrote yesterday was rather long, too long that I need to split it into two or three articles. Although both, of which the second part will be revealed in this article, seemed to be of different topics it was in actual fact related – it’s about Jaguh Kampung or Village Champions. […]

... written on May 25 2008

An island for Singapore, rocks for Malaysia – Amazing!

I almost fell off my chair, not because I was extremely sad that Malaysia lost her island but from the extreme laugh, probably one of funniest episodes – the verdict of 28-year territorial dispute on a small island. The International Court of Justice’s 12-4 decision in favor of Singapore on Pulau Batu Puteh (known as […]

... written on May 24 2008

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