

Greed & Corruption turn the country into Gangster-State?

You cannot help but get very suspicious of the whole Grand Saga-Bandar Mahkota Cheras crisis. After the recent police brutality I thought it won’t happen again, well at least not so soon, but how wrong I was. It was just like those Bollywood movie whereby the tyranny of the rich crossed all the boundaries, the […]

... written on May 28 2008

Tiger at Home but Useless and Hopeless against Outsiders

Actually the article I wrote yesterday was rather long, too long that I need to split it into two or three articles. Although both, of which the second part will be revealed in this article, seemed to be of different topics it was in actual fact related – it’s about Jaguh Kampung or Village Champions. […]

... written on May 25 2008

An island for Singapore, rocks for Malaysia – Amazing!

I almost fell off my chair, not because I was extremely sad that Malaysia lost her island but from the extreme laugh, probably one of funniest episodes – the verdict of 28-year territorial dispute on a small island. The International Court of Justice’s 12-4 decision in favor of Singapore on Pulau Batu Puteh (known as […]

... written on May 24 2008

Mahathir quits UMNO, so what? It’s Lingam-Gate diversion

Almost all the local news media be it government-controlled electronic or print media and bloggers screamed “Mahathir quits UMNO”. Should this former prime minister and dictator’s decision be given such a coverage? Perhaps his decision to quit was the hottest news so far hence the front-page privilege. Seriously I would only be surprise if he […]

... written on May 19 2008

The Chain-Reaction of Government’s Vengeance Policy

Depending on your style of trading and stocks investing as well as your risks management, rumors could be your best friends. You can’t ignore rumors totally because it moves the stocks. Of course you need the flexibility (your local stock exchange) to make money out of such volatility. The best is if you can long […]

... written on May 10 2008

Why celebrity blogger RPK chickened out from prison?

The hottest news circulating the blogosphere is definitely the U-turn decision by Malaysia-Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) to post bail after refused to do so earlier despite over RM44,000 collected via online campaign. He has chosen to sleep on cool and hard concrete floor inside the jail instead of walk out a free-man, well, […]

... written on May 09 2008

Pricey RHB Bank? ADBC is an Angel compared to Maybank

Do you think RHB Capital (KLSE: RHBCAP, stock-code 1066) which owns Malaysia’s fourth largest bank, RHB Bank, worth RM7.20 a share? Of course if you’re one of the season stock players who punted and screamed with joy before the 1997-1998 Asia Economic Crisis, you might think RM7.20 is chicken-feed compared to over RM20.00 a share […]

... written on May 08 2008

The Guilty one has taken Raja Petra’s bait? Game Started!

Not many politicians let alone normal citizens who are willing to go to jail because they believe in the principle of truth and justice. One of the politicians, Lim Guan Eng, who is now the Chief Minister of Penang definitely earned the respect from many people when he was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment […]

... written on May 06 2008

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