

Bersih 4.0 Photos – Charming, Cool & Creative Banners And Messages For Najib

By 5:30pm the organisers of Bersih 4.0 rally claimed there were 200,000 participants. Malaysiakini put the figure at more than 100,000 at about 4pm. However, KL police chief Tajuddin Md Isa estimated the number at 25,000 as of 3pm. But when you were in the middle of a massive crowd, it makes no difference, whether […]

... written on Aug 30 2015

The Outcome Of “Bersih 4.0” Rally Could Checkmate Najib

Pro-Najib bloggers have been burning midnight oil trying to project Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak as a clever and cunning politician who can rival and even outsmart his mentor, Mahathir Mohamad. Apparently, Najib was scripted in such a way that he isn’t afraid of a vote of no confidence, and in fact was excited and […]

... written on Aug 29 2015

Forget About Black Monday, Fund Managers Have Something Scarier From Trump

U.S. stocks tumbled on Monday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dropping to an 18-month closing low that saw the blue-chip benchmark briefly plummet more than 1,000 points. It closed down 588 points, but not before it created a moment of panic when it went down as much as 1,114 points during the early […]

... written on Aug 25 2015

Here’re Why Ringgit Can Go Further – RM4.50 To US$1 – And Beyond

Malaysian Ringgit has just hit another new high – RM4.2570 to one US dollar. Forget about what the specialists and experts say about the local currency. Didn’t someone tell you less than a month ago that ringgit is to trade between RM3.80 to RM4.10? Well, screw them because they know nuts about the actual financial […]

... written on Aug 24 2015

These 8 Charts Show How China’s Economy Meltdown Spreads To The World

Dow plunges 530.94 points on Friday. With more than 1,000-point drop this week, this was the largest weekly drop since Oct 10, 2008 for Dow. Crude oil prices briefly dropped below US$40 a barrel on Friday, the lowest seen since the financial crisis. The effect of devaluation of the Chinese Yuan has finally reached the […]

... written on Aug 23 2015

Here’s Why China’s Yuan Devaluation Is Such A Big Deal

By now, you should know why we had screamed “The Chinese Are Coming!!” about three weeks ago. That’s because the China’s economy is crashing, for real. Xi Jinping administration has been fire fighting ever since the terrifying 30% crash within 3-weeks in the country’s stock market. It certainly doesn’t help if the allegations about internal […]

... written on Aug 12 2015

The Seven Hundred Million Dollar Man’s Fate Depends On The Ringgit

Before the currency stop trading for the weekend, the Malaysian Ringgit was trading as high as RM3.9530 to a U.S. dollar. After the closing bell, it settled at RM3.9220 to a buck. So, does this mean RM3.90 is a new support level and the ringgit can never strengthen to RM3.80 anymore, at least for the […]

... written on Aug 10 2015

A Remaking Of 1997 Asian Financial Crisis By Najib Razak In 2015

Did you make any pocket money since our last bitching article? No, not the one about stocks related to Najib’s cronies. The one about all hell breaks loose when the local currency “Ringgit” breaches the psychology RM3.80 to a US dollar. Was it a coincidence that ringgit spiked into toilet bowl on Aug 4, the […]

... written on Aug 07 2015

China vs Hong Kong Rivalry – These 22 “Naughty” Graphics Tell All

Hong Kong returned to China on July 1, 1997. Time flies and it’s been 18-years since the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong from United Kingdom to China. Also known as the “Handover”, Britons remembered the occasion as how Mrs Thatcher lost Hong Kong. Needless to say, Hong Kong people opposed the “transfer” of ownership. […]

... written on Jul 08 2015

Beware WSJ – Here’re Najib’s Top 20 Brains To Counter You

Will Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak be arrested on the explosive 1MDB scandal, now that it’s a global knowledge he’s caught with his pants down with US$696 million (RM2.62 billion) in his personal banking account? After all, Mahathir had hinted that the prime minister may be scared to quit due to possible criminal charges.   Using […]

... written on Jul 06 2015

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