

The 10 Expensive Mistakes That You May Not Know

People make mistakes and some of them could be very costly. Some knew of the consequences but still the sex pleasures overrule everything. Many don’t really care because it was the public money. Some tried to cover their mistake but it got worsen and the hole got bigger. And of course some thought things can’t […]

... written on Apr 29 2011

Big Mac Index, China & Malaysia Currencies Undervalued?

On average a McDonald’s Big Mac costs about 14.5 yuan or about US$2.18 in China (Beijing and Shenzhen) as compare to US$3.71 for the same burger in the United States. Based on a study done by McDonald and Economist using Big Mac Index, a semi-hilarious method of measuring the PPP (purchasing power parity) between two […]

... written on Oct 18 2010

Should We Applaud Japan Intervention to Weaken Yen?

Japan intervened to sell yen for the first time in six years pushing other currencies higher. Dollar, Euro, Sterling, Australian dollar are all higher against the Japanese Yen. Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda said Japan intervened in the foreign exchange markets as the impact of the yen’s rise on the economy could not be ignored and […]

... written on Sep 16 2010

Wake-up, Prepare Your Kids for China

An empire is just like a stock. A stock can goes up from $1 to $500 a share and then from $500 back to $1. Likewise great empires such as Roman, Qin, Mongol and Ottoman saw their rise and fall in the history of mankind. Now we do not talk about empires militarily but rather […]

... written on Aug 25 2010

Not sure where to park your money? Follow Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki is the name synonym with personal-finance and has attracted millions of followers. His flagship product was definitely “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” book that has taken the world by storm. His other books titled “Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant” and “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing” was equally good and hits the top 10 best-sellers. The […]

... written on Jun 09 2008

Things are getting uglier; I wish ringgit goes back to 3.80

Not many moons ago, I’ve wrote why I don’t really fancy the local Ringgit to appreciate further against U.S. dollar. In fact I would love the local currency to float at RM3.80 to US1.00 or even weaker. Why am I so cruel and unpatriotic? The reason is pretty simple (hey I’m not a complicated person […]

... written on Jun 03 2008

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