
Investing & Trading

Apple, Most Valuable Brand – Little Secret Of Its Dictator

Finally, Apple Inc. has surpassed Google Inc. to become the world’s most valuable brand, thanks widely to the popular iPhone and iPad. It is indeed a sweet achievement considering Apple brand actually jumps a whopping 84% increase compared to last year. Apple is way ahead of Google with its brand valued at US$153 billion while […]

... written on May 10 2011

Silver Correction Or Speculation Trap By Soros?

Investors make money by buy low sell high. Seems like an easy formula to become rich, no? People then ask when is the time to buy low or how do I know now is the time to buy? And that’s the mistake because people are obsessed with finding the Holy Grail – when to buy. […]

... written on May 05 2011

Should You “Sell In May And Go Away” This Round?

As we enter the month of May (2011), we’re once again greeted with the question of whether we should “Sell in May and Go Away”. With earnings season coming to an end, investors will shift their focus to economic data next week such as the April employment report on Friday as investors will scrutinize the […]

... written on May 02 2011

China To Become New Economic Powerhouse in 2016?

China overtook Germany to become the world’s third largest economy in 2007 and three years later reached another milestone by overtaking Japan as the second largest economy in the world. Since then China was predicted to overtake the US as the world’s largest economy powerhouse around 2025 or 2030 the latest. Judging from how the […]

... written on Apr 28 2011

Honda Civic 2012 (Photos) – A Lazy Cut & Paste Job

Honda Civic 2012, the ninth-generation of the Civic family is set to arrive soon next year but the design was already released in the internet for quite some time, thanks to the 2011 Detroit Auto Show. Honda unveiled the Civic Concepts during the show and the Civic Sedan and Civic Coupe were pretty much the […]

... written on Apr 24 2011

Great iPhone Sales Saves iPad’s Backlog – Stock Up

Another quarter and another outrages earnings from Apple. Seriously the authorities have to do something about this earnings guidance thingy. Apple has been making fun of earnings game by deliberately giving lower guidance since the dinosaurs were wiped out from this planet only to announce better than expected results. Not that I complain (*tongue in […]

... written on Apr 21 2011

Tricubes Email Service – How To Recoup RM50 Million?

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak should be extra sensitive and cautious in rushing to promote his pet-initiative Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). Just like his predecessor Abdullah Badawi who was so obsessed with multiple Corridor propagada until he was himself shown the corridor’s exit, it seems Najib is equally obsessed with ETP, an initiative which was supposed […]

... written on Apr 21 2011

Google’s Stock Tumbles Due To Hiring Spree

Larry Page, who replaced Eric Schmidt as Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG, stock) CEO last week, is back on hiring spree in his hunger for new growth opportunities such as mobile and video advertising. Google boosted hiring by more than 1,900 people during the first quarter and in the process hurt the bottom-line, something which caused […]

... written on Apr 15 2011

Don’t Trust Gartner’s Smart-Phone Market Forecast

Bond ratings firm Moody thinks Nokia Corp’s (NYSE: NOK, stock) outlook is poor and reduced it to negative. It’s no brainer that Nokia’s position in mobile devices has been weakened tremendously especially in the current smart-phone business, not even Nokia’s adoption of Windows Phone 7 platform could raised much eyebrows. Maybe Moody’s latest rating was […]

... written on Apr 10 2011

BlackBerry Maker RIM is Toast, At Least For Now

RIM is toast, if the stock price’s performance in after-hours trades is any indication after the company announced its earnings. Well, the earnings was great with the fourth-fiscal quarter surged 32% on strong sales of the company’s BlackBerry smartphones. What was disastrous was the forecast for the current period that is below Wall Street’s expectation. […]

... written on Mar 25 2011

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