

Sold Out In Less 30-Sec, Here’s Proof Xiaomi Bluffs

Actually this article shouldn’t be published as we do not want to give free publicity to Xioami Malaysia. But for the sake of consumers who had been taken for a ride by the Chinese company, we feel we should at least publish this last article to save them precious and productivity time. We have to […]

... written on Jun 03 2014

Xiaomi FlashSale, 5-Minutes Sold-Out. A Sales Gimmick?

Imagine you go to supermarket, put two items in your shopping cart and proceed to cashier counter to make payment. Surprisingly, the cashier said “Sorry, No More Stock” and you see your shopping cart empty – Magic !!! That was what happened today at Xiaomi Malaysia store. Hundreds of furious messages have been bombarding its […]

... written on May 28 2014

30 Investing Tips & Tricks You Won’t Learn At School

There’re basically two movies you should watch before you jump into the world of investment, especially the stock market. The two movies are “The Wolf of Wall Street” and “Inside Job”, released in 2013 and 2010 respectively. Sure, there’re tons of investing books in the market but frankly, you won’t learn as much from those […]

... written on May 05 2014

Credit Card Safety Tips That You May Have Missed

Christmas is around the corner. You probably have bought most of your Christmas’s gifts. In case you have not, this weekend could be your last chance to swipe your credit cards like crazy. It’s hard not to use credit cards nowadays, especially with the escalating cost of living. Consumers, particularly youngsters tend to have this […]

... written on Dec 20 2013

How to Get Back Your Genneva Gold and Money – 10 Things To Do

As many as 35,000 investors and up to a whopping RM10 billion of investment were sucked into Genneva Malaysia Gold Scheme. The problem – Genneva Malaysia’s liabilities exceeded its assets. That was what Awang Adek Hussin, Malaysia Deputy Finance Minister, claimed couple of days ago. Considering PM Najib Razak is the Finance Minister himself, this […]

... written on Nov 08 2012

Genneva Gold – Another Collapsing Ponzi Scam?

Charles Ponzi was a genius, without realizing it himself. Born in Italy, he became famous in the early 1920s. He promised clients a 50% profit within 45 days, or 100% profit within 90 days, by buying discounted postal reply coupons in other countries and redeeming them at face value in the United States as a […]

... written on Oct 11 2012

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